JENNIFER MAY is responsible for Human Resources and Talent Management of the conglomerate.
Ms. May has over 15 years of logistics and human relations knowledge that she plans to integrate within RMSF Corp. Uncovering raw talent and seeking sound minded individuals who think outside of the box are May’s forte. Currently, May is our talent management recruiter, searching for those who are willing to test the unknowns.
Under her leadership, May’s aspirations include implementing biometrics amongst several industries such as transportation and logistics, to provide a more safer and secure way to travel. In the words of Ms. May, “consumers will no longer be inconvenienced with toting around ‘stuff’ because you are the transaction.” She envisions a safer and transparent society where little to no imposement is made on the consumer. Ms. May seeks to bring special talent on board RMSF’s team to help create and maintain a lean and efficient workplace.