Corporate Diversity
The Corporation believes in the importance of good corporate diversity and the central role played by directors in the corporate diversity process. Diversity is important to ensure that the profiles of Board members and senior management provide the necessary range of perspectives, experience and expertise required to achieve effective stewardship and management of our business.
Our approach to diversity is linked to our mission and articulated through our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. The Corporation is committed to providing a work environment of equal opportunities in employment, appointments and advancement, based on appropriate qualifications, requirements and performance, and to support an inclusive and diverse workforce.
The Corporation has a Diversity Policy that outlines the Corporation’s approach to achieving and maintaining greater diversity on the Corporation’s senior management team. The policy provides that in fulfilling their roles of considering candidates for senior management appointments, the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation consider candidates that are highly qualified based on their experience, education, expertise, judgement, personal qualities, and general and sector-specific knowledge; and review potential candidates from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, having in mind the Corporation’s diversity objectives, including the specific objective of gender diversity. The Corporation’s Diversity Policy provides that the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation will assess the effectiveness of the senior management appointment process at achieving the Corporation’s diversity objectives on an annual basis. Furthermore, the policy provides that the Corporation will engage, from time to time, with senior management of the Corporation’s subsidiaries, through its representation on their boards, on the implementation of their respective diversity policies relating to the senior management appointment process.
The Corporation is committed to selecting the best person to fulfill senior management roles and accordingly, has not adopted a target regarding gender in executive officer positions as such arbitrary targets are not in the best interests of the Corporation. The Board believes that diversity is important to ensure that the profiles of senior management provide the necessary range of perspectives, experience and expertise required to achieve effective management.
The Corporation also believes that diversity is important to ensure that Board members provide the necessary range of perspectives, experience and expertise required to achieve effective stewardship of the Corporation. The Board is committed to nominating the best individuals to fulfill Director roles and accordingly, has not adopted a target regarding gender in director positions.
The Corporation’s Board of Directors believes this approach provides the best balance of skills and competencies which will result in the prudent, conservative oversight to deliver attractive long-term shareholder returns.